LUK Leucadia National Corp.
Leucadia National Corp. has had 4 splits.
Split date ▼ | Ratio | Price (close) | Price the day before | Change | Calculate (enter number of shares) |
Jun 15, 2006 | 2 : 1 | 28.97 | 57.80 (Jun 14) | 0.24% | |
Jan 03, 2005 | 3 : 2 | 45.54 | 69.48 (Dec 31) | -1.68% | |
Nov 16, 1995 | 2 : 1 | 27.50 | 53.87 (Nov 15) | 2.10% | |
Jan 11, 1993 | 2 : 1 | 43.25 | 84.25 (Jan 08) | 2.67% | |
Before Jan 11, 1993 |
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