IACI IAC/InterActiveCorp
IAC/InterActiveCorp has had 4 splits.
Split date ▼ | Ratio | Price (close) | Price the day before | Change | Calculate (enter number of shares) |
Aug 21, 2008 | 1 : 2 | 16.63 | 17.60 (Aug 20) | -52.76% | |
Aug 09, 2005 | 1 : 2 | 27.74 | 25.30 (Aug 08) | -45.18% | |
Feb 25, 2000 | 2 : 1 | 23.88 | 47.06 (Feb 24) | 1.49% | |
Mar 27, 1998 | 2 : 1 | 26.75 | 55.06 (Mar 26) | -2.83% | |
Before Mar 27, 1998 |
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