CMO Capstead Mortgage Corporation
Capstead Mortgage Corporation has had 4 splits.
Split date ▼ | Ratio | Price (close) | Price the day before | Change | Calculate (enter number of shares) |
Jun 29, 2001 | 1 : 2 | 17.80 | 16.12 (Jun 28) | -44.79% | |
May 09, 2000 | 1 : 2 | 6.50 | 3.44 (May 08) | -5.52% | |
Aug 16, 1996 | 3 : 2 | 20.88 | 31.12 (Aug 15) | 0.64% | |
Nov 16, 1995 | 3 : 2 | 22.25 | 33.50 (Nov 15) | -0.37% | |
Before Nov 16, 1995 |
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