BBCN BBCN Bancorp Inc
BBCN Bancorp Inc has had 4 splits.
Split date ▼ | Ratio | Price (close) | Price the day before | Change | Calculate (enter number of shares) |
Jun 16, 2004 | 2 : 1 | 15.44 | 31.47 (Jun 15) | -1.87% | |
Mar 18, 2003 | 2 : 1 | 12.75 | 25.15 (Mar 17) | 1.39% | |
Apr 12, 2000 | 108 : 100 | 7.62 | 8.25 (Apr 11) | -0.25% | |
May 06, 1999 | 108 : 100 | 9.88 | 10.75 (May 05) | -0.74% | |
Before May 06, 1999 |
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